FamilyMade Tips:
How to read more as a family!
Visit your local library for story time: This is usually free and allows your child to interact with other kids, listen to a different book each time and hear a new person reading to them.
Make reading more than a story time with books: Reading can be done anywhere! Read your child signs at the grocery store, recipes as you cook, magazine covers in the check out aisle, etc.
Anytime is a good time to read: Story time doesn’t have to be before bed, if reading first thing in the morning or after lunch works better for your family’s schedule, that’s great!
Trade in screen time for reading time: Even if it’s just for a few minutes, getting your child a new book to read instead of watching a show can be a great way to squeeze in a book when it feels like there’s no time.
Always carry a book: Take advantage of waiting times such as waiting in the car to get a sibling from school, waiting in the doctor’s office, waiting at the pharmacy or a restaurant etc.
Play an audiobook: If you don’t have time to physically sit with your child due to work or other commitments, playing an audiobook in the car, while you’re making dinner, during independent play etc. is a great way for them to still get to listen to a story.
Expand the reading circle: Utilize friends, family members, teachers and older siblings to read to your child when you’re unavailable.
Try your best and give yourself grace: Even if you can’t read with your child every night, make the most of the days you’re able to by making it extra fun, snuggling up together or extending reading time.