Growing with the Nhiras
with Brian and Sonia Nhira
about the pod
The 'Growing with The Nhiras' Podcast is a weekly show co-hosted by Brian and Sonia Nhira—a married couple on a journey to learn and grow with you in the areas of faith, purpose, & relationship. The goal of this podcast is to uplift you and add value to your life as Sonia & Brian discuss topics that include; parenting, marriage, dating, creativity, and so much more.
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The Hosts
Brian & Sonia are based in Nashville, TN with their two boys Zayden and Ezekiel. Nhira’s music has charted on the iTunes Top 100 Pop Songs and his creatively produced videos have racked up well over 100 million views. Nhira has been able to build an international audience of supporters (fans) numbering in the millions, with the goal of not only entertaining but providing content that is valuable to their lives.
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