A FamilyMade Interview
Exclusive FamilyMade Interview
with Shawn Johnson East
What are you looking forward to the most about being in Paris at the Olympics with your family?
"I am honestly so excited for all of it! Growing up, I would think about the Olympics as the best thing you could possibly do in life and while it's definitely an incredible accomplishment to have made it there and I feel so blessed, now my greatest accomplishment is my family. It feels really full circle and fulfilling to be returning to the games with my husband and kids, it's a better opportunity than I could have dreamed. Plus, theres no pressure on me as an athlete, it's all just for fun which is amazing."
What will be your role at the Olympics this year?
"I'm thrilled to be a correspondent for Yahoo Sports this year! I'll be at the Olympics the whole time so be sure to follow along! We also plan on having fun outside the Olympics too. We are just excited to be tourists! We'll see the Eiffel Tower, find parks and playgrounds for the kids and we plan to stop at Disneyland Paris, which we can't wait for."
Have you been back to the Olympics since you competed?
"Oh yes! I love going back, it's so special. I went back in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and now I'll be back for this one. It's the coolest event ever and feels so unifying for the whole world. Andrew went to the Olympics when he was little but doesn't really remember it so this is his first REAL time going and I can't wait for him to experience the magic!”
Your non-profit organization "Moment Makers" is providing grants to Olympic and Paralympic athletes to assist with childcare needs this year, how has that been?
"It's been incredible to be able to walk alongside these athletes and help any way we can. Parents are superheroes and the more we can help these parents who also happen to be competing in the biggest event of their lives the better. Many people think these athletes are all sponsored and have their trip taken care of but in reality, most of them pay their own way there and are responsible for all of their own expenses. Getting to help these athletes with a child care grant is the least we can do! They can use the grant money to fly their kids to Paris, fly a babysitter with them, hire a babysitter at home, bring a family member along to help with their kids, etc. really whatever they need we're willing to help."
How does it feel to watch the gymnasts of today compete?
"Oh man, honestly I'm so happy to not be competing. The level of skill is unmatched. The athletes competing this year are SO talented and have reached a level nobody thought was possible. They have surpassed any and all expectations of an Olympic gymnast and I'm just so proud of all of them. They're beyond incredible."
Anything you want to say to everyone watching the Olympics this year?
"I think it's always important to remember that every news outlet in the world will probably paint a picture that these athletes are machines and have a duty to perform at such a high level but I always like to remind people that these athletes are human. They have poured their heart and soul into their sport because they love it! They have their own personal lives outside of their sport and many of them have families of their own. I never want to have an expectation while watching any sport, I'm just amazed by the skill level of everyone there."